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2025 Updated M7 Physics Study Card Pack


• 129 cards 

• Highly visual design


Each card is formatted to be half the size of an A4 sheet, allowing for versatile printing options:


• Flip books (print 2 cards per page)

• Study card pocket sets (print 4 cards per page)


Usage Instructions:

Print out, laminate, and incorporate these cards into your study routine, either solo or with friends.


For more information, refer to the copyright & usage rights.


Video Courses

Flipped Learning Style:

• Use in-class or for homework support.

• Control the pace of learning.


Gamified Environment:

• Point system, animations, and bonus material.


REAL Lab Experiences:

• Up-close content with real lab experiences.

Student Note-Taking Support:

• Encourages active note-taking, highlighting key terms, and making connections.


Literacy Support:

• Closed captions for visual aid, ESL support, and dyslexia-friendly language.


Multiple Choice Questions:

• Questions after each video



• FREE 3-page worksheets with  worked answers after nearly every video (~80 - 100 worksheets per HSC course!)

• Each Module has 2 -3 Topic Tests


Kahoot Quizzes (coming in 2025)

• Use at home or in your classroom.


Immediate Q&A Help:

• AI bot for quick assistance.


Forum Community:

• Share resources, study tips, and support each other.


Courses Available:

1. Junior Science (In development)

2. Senior HSC Chemistry, Prelim Chemistry 

3. Senior HSC Physics, Prelim Physics


Check them out in the schoolhwlab

HSC M7 Physics Study Cards - The Nature of Light

GST Included
  • Usage Information

    The use of the cards is for the purchaser only. Please respect the 100's of hours I put into making the pictures, clipart, designing & updating the cards etc by NOT sharing them with anyone in either printed or digital form. That includes posting on any website, sharesite, or via Airdrop etc onto other devices.

    Please refer to the Usage information in the file you download after purchase.

  • Please be aware that there is no refund offered on digital downloaded products due to change of mind. Please examine the sample items provided and the product description to ensure that you know what you are purchasing.

Study Card Sets

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